
The snow is melting (for those of you in the North), the birds are chirping, the grass is turning greener by the day, and the air is less frigid. Its finally Springtime again. Living in Montana, Spring is an exciting time as it means the winter and cold snaps are finally done. The ice is melting and trees are slowly turning out new leaves and we are excited for Spring.

Bear Grass

Living in the Northwest, more specifically right outside of Glacier National Park… we get to see a lot of variations of wild flowers in bloom. Bear Grass is one of the most popular sights in Glacier from May until August.


The sounds of birds chirping is the soundtrack to spring. These cute little chickadees have posted up on an old fence line and are surely singing their songs. This is a level 2 painting

Glacier Falls

Glacier Falls is a level 2 beginner painting. This is a Spring or Summer themed painting as the waterfall seems full of fast cascading water… that is no doubt… ice cold.

River View

River View is a level 2, Spring or summer painting. Wherever this is….it does look quiet and peaceful. And just maybe there might be some fish in there.

Waterfall Lagoon

Waterfall Lagoon is a level 2 beginner painting. This is a tranquil Spring or Summer themed painting… which makes me think this water is either frigid, or perhaps ready to take a dip in. Either way, I would like to post up and enjoy the scenery if I were ever there.

More Spring paintings coming soon!